Rick Perkins Award |
里克·珀金斯卓越技术指导奖是乔治亚州技术学院系统发起的一项全州范围的计划,旨在表彰该系统22个成员机构中的杰出教师. 该奖项自1991年以来一直在全州范围内举办,旨在表彰和表彰通过在各自领域的创新和领导能力为技术教育做出重大贡献的技术学院教师.
Each year, instructors are nominated by faculty, staff and students. To be eligible for the award, 教员必须全职工作至少3年,并且在过去3年没有参加过地区或州级的选拔过程. 提名者将接受由奥古斯塔理工学院董事会成员组成的评审团的面试. College winners then compete in regional and state competitions.
成人教育 Teacher of the Year Award |
成人教育办公室(OAE)推出了首届年度教师奖. 该奖项旨在表彰在OAE成人教育项目中成为一名优秀教育者所需要的辛勤工作和奉献精神.
Eligibility Requirements include:
- The instructors are nominated by faculty and staff.
- 有资格获得该奖项的教师必须在OAE TCSG资助的AE项目中担任至少三年的课堂教师,并在学生学习方面表现出卓越的成绩.
- Letters of Recommendation, 课程计划, 并提供了一段课堂教学的视频短片,供国家审查.
- The College winner then competes in the state competition.
Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) Award |
乔治亚州职业领导奖(GOAL)项目于1971-1972学年启动. 从那时起, 参加乔治亚州技术学院和部门的优秀学生每年都因学术卓越和个人成就而获得认可.
The first phase of GOAL takes place at the college level. Screening and selection committees select the college's top student as nominees move through an interview process; this top student is given the title of college GOAL winner. Then, all college GOAL winners compete at the regional level. 这些优胜者意识到,人们对他们的信任和信心不仅仅是为了竞争, but also to represent their fellow students and respective communities. 每个地区比赛将选出三名学生(共有三个地区), so nine semi-finalists will compete at the state level in Atlanta. 州一级的比赛包括另一轮面试,九名半决赛选手将接受评委小组的个人考虑. From this outstanding group of students, the judges will select one student, the State GOAL Winner, to serve as an ambassador for technical education in Georgia.
College GOAL的优胜者花了很多时间准备在地区比赛中展示自己最好的一面, 在四月, the time arrives for the state GOAL competition. College GOAL winners, along with their GOAL coordinators and nominating instructors, arrive filled with excitement and anticipation for the GOAL events.
Georgia's unique GOAL program is the first of its kind in the nation. 因为它的质量, visibility and influence continue to improve, 随着技术教育知识和技能的回报,GOAL创始人的梦想得以实现. 从我们的政府,到学生,教师,甚至是当地企业,每个人都有目标!
The 奥古斯塔 Tech GOAL Student also receives a cash award from the Dr. 琼C. Puryear Endowment.
Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) Award
格鲁吉亚技术学院系统(TCSG)通过其成人教育办公室(OAE)赞助年度杰出成人格鲁吉亚扫盲教育(EAGLE)领导学院. 这个学生认可计划的目的是创造更多的教育机会,在全州各地的当地社区可用的意识,并促进更多的参与终身学习的追求. 领导力学院认可并表彰那些在成人教育课程和项目中表现优异的学生.
每个受助人将进行一个选择过程,最终产生一名代表参加州EAGLE领导学院. Selection criteria will be consistent throughout the Grantee organizations. 受资助代表将是在读学生或乔治亚州高中同等学历(GED®) HiSET®)毕业. 目前的学生可以参加成人基础教育(ABE)计划, the Adult Secondary Education (ASE) program, the English as a Second Language (ESL) program, or enrolled in an English Literacy/Civics program. 因为目标是为成人教育项目选择最好的代言人, 本地受资助项目级别的选择过程将主要基于参与者(a)就特定主题撰写书面论文的能力, (b)就成人教育的好处发表3-5分钟的积极乐观的演讲;(c)回答由评审团预先设定的问题.
The Grantee delegates will participate in the regional EAGLE competition. Two delegates will be selected from each of the four 成人教育 regions. 这八名半决赛选手将在州EAGLE领导力学院进行比赛.
Founded in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, 雏菊奖® 表彰一位杰出的护理教师和护理学生,他们体现了非凡的同情心, 宣传, 和领导能力. For more information visit The DAISY Foundation.